Apply honey on this part of your body will make such a change that you will not be able to flush happy
Honey is the most beneficial benefits but today the benefits we will tell you will never hear about them. For students: If you are nail acne and seeds, you will be very happy with honey. Wake up in Rai and apply it on the masks, after 20 minutes, wash it with fresh water. For eye circles: If there are rings under your eyes, they will be removed from honey, take as many honey and almonds, and mix them by mixing them before sleeping and morning.
Eat and wash it for eight. If you are worried about headache or any other reason, then take a meal spoon and mix it with equal amount of water. Head of water Make a massage and wash it with semi-hot water after five minutes. Do this daily daily. This process will eliminate your head and nose in a few days.
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