غذائیں جو یادداشت کمزور کریں
Tuna fish
Soy sauce
Canoe juice
White rice
Along with the body, the brain also needs nutrition to stay healthy.
But there are some nutrients that use too much to weaken your memory, and it is better for health to not use too much of such nutrients.
There are benefits of these nutrients, but their use can be dangerous.
Tuna fish
There are abdominal proteins contained in Tuna, and it is also beneficial for health, but it can be very dangerous for food.
It is better to eat this fish once in 2 weeks, it is so hot that if it is eaten more, the brain may be affected, which will increase the risk of memory too weak.
Soy sauce
Something like soy sauce can harm you more than the benefits, in which the quantity of sodium and sodium is excessive, and the use of both of these is harmful to the brain, it stimulates blood flow to the brain. There is a lot of problems that can lead to memory as weakened.
Canoe juice
Quantity of sugar in cinnamon juice is excessive, and it is dangerous for many reasons.
The more use of this is weakening your daily life, as well as weakening your mind, while its use is slowly feeling vulnerable to its use.
White rice
Due to excessive amount of carbus available in white rice, it is not good for mental frying, even those foods can increase depression risk by eating more rice.
The better is that you use wheat to grow in your life .
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